What is the township i am in
What is the township i am in

Procedures for the Township’s financial administration, such as budgets, accounting, investments and deposits, are closely regulated by the state. There are additional statutory requirements with which Putnam Township must comply. They are also responsible for the Township’s financial health. Trustees are the Township’s legislatures and are required to vote on all issues. These functions are legally assigned to the supervisor, clerk and treasurer, respectively. The three broadest mandated responsibilities are assessment administration, elections administration and tax collection. Putnam, and all Michigan townships, are charged with specific functions that they are required to perform. The Board consists of seven members - a supervisor, clerk, treasurer, and four trustees. All board members are required to live in the township. Our Township citizens aren’t led by an executive, but rather by a board, elected by and accountable to the Township’s residents. Putnam Township was organized in May of 1836. Today there are 1,240 townships in the state, and t ownships govern 96 percent of Michigan’s land area (outside of cities).

what is the township i am in what is the township i am in

As Michigan’s original unit of government, townships are deeply rooted in Michigan’s early history.

What is the township i am in